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List of Tutorials of MFI 2016

T1 Introduction to distributed and event-based state estimation

Presenter: Sebastian Trimpe
Length: 3 hours
Brief description: This tutorial provides an introduction to event-based estimation (and control), where new measurement samples are not triggered periodically in time but at well-designed critieria on the measurement signal itself or on the current estimation results. In particular, the tutorial discusses key-aspect of event-based system design (triggering criteria, existing algorithms for estimation, distributed architectures) and highlight several successful experimental applications in networked control and robotics.
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T2 Relatives for the Kalman filter for tracking and fusion

Presenter: Dietrich Fränken
Length: 3 hours
Brief description: This tutorial gives attendees an overview of Kalman-filter-like estimators for state estimation and fusion while taking a system design point of view. An important aspects of the tutorial are how to approach the options to select between the difference estimators, what will be the resulting effort to put in with respect to both implementation and brain power and what possible side-effects can occur when using those filters too naively.
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T3 Robust Kalman filtering

Presenter: Benjamin Noack and Florian Pfaff
Length: 3 hours
Brief description: The tutorial covers various Kalman-filter-like estimators when the observed process has high uncertainties and therefore cannot be captured accurately with a linear models and perfectly selected noise distributions. The tutorial focusses on hybrid estimators relying on the combination of stochastic and set-membership approaches. Several solutions will be presented during this tutorial along with new challenges showing the versatility of hybrid estimation.
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T4 Multisensor fusion in Automated driving

Presenter: Jos Elfring
Length: 3 hours
Brief description: This tutorial explains the domain of (cooperative) automated driving from a multisensor fusion perspective. Topics that will be discussed are, among others, Bayesian filtering and track-to-track fusion algorithms in automated driving, domain specific multisensor fusion requirements and prediction and measurement models. Both theoretical considerations and practical constraints for applying multisensor fusion in (cooperative) automated driving will be discussed.
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T5 Fusion and Bayesian Reasoning with Subjective Logic.

Presenter: Audun Jøsang
Length: 3 hours
Brief description: This tutorial gives attendees an introduction to subjective logic and how it applies to Bayesian network modelling and information fusion. Specific elements of the tutorial are (1) Representation and interpretation of subjective opinions, (2) Algebraic operators of subjective logic, and (3) Applications of subjective logic like Bayesian network modelling and analysis.
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T6 Passive Surveillance - Advanced Algorithms and Challenging Applications

Presenter: Wolfgang Koch
Length: 3 hours
Brief description: The tutorial covers partly material of the recently published book of the presenter (Tracking and Data Fusion, Springer 2014) and thus provides a guided introduction to deeper reading with a particular focus on passive surveillance. Starting point is the well-known JDL model of sensor data and information fusion that provides general orientation within the world of fusion methodologies and its various applications, covering a dynamically evolving field of ever increasing relevance. Using the JDL model as a guiding principle, the tutorial introduces into advanced fusion technologies based on practical examples taken from real world applications.
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T7 Extended object tracking: Theory and applications

Presenter: Karl Granström, Stephan Reuter, and Marcus Baum
Length: 3 hours
Brief description: The tutorial will introduce the topic of extended object tracking, i.e., object tracking using modern high resolution sensors that give multiple detections per object. State of the art theory will be introduced, and relevant real-world applications will be shown. The theory is presented in several tracking examples with different object types (e.g., pedestrians, bicyclists and cars) and different sensor systems (e.g., Lidar, radar and camera).
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T8 Proactive Optimal Control to Infer Information Faster

Presenter: Renaldas Urniezius
Length: 6 hours
Brief description: Assume that we a have a robot and we know what force is applied to the mass center of the robot. Our inputs are the velocity of the robot and the known control force signal. We know that transient signals can tell us about the mass and friction coefficient based on boundary conditions of Newton’s second law. Putting it simpler, the start of the any transient process after switching on a control force tells us what the inertia of the robot is and the end time series provide information about steady state, which explains us, what the friction coefficient is. However, how to incorporate both start and end time series in a single inference step when mass and friction are changing in time? This tutorial answers this question.
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